Another Great Goldmorr Job!
We love testimonials from our growing family of Goldmorr certified companies. Here's one from Utah we wanted to share.
It was our first large mold remediation job using the Goldmorr System. We had a very large attic space with extensive mold coverage on the underside of the roofing, the joist, the walls and studs.
With your recommendation, we ordered a sprayer specifically designed for the application...a cordless sprayer that attaches to a 5 gal bucket and it worked beautifully. Using the sprayer we cleaned 1775 sq ft of structure using 7 gal of product. Approximately 250 sq ft per gallon.
The product worked as advertised with no agitation or hand cleaning required. We completed the initial application of the Goldmorr 6000 in just over 2 hrs which included setup time and charged $2.00 per sq ft. It was a great job. We then followed the mold removal with the Goldmorr 2000 application. The floor space was 500 sq ft and we charged $1.00 per sq ft. We returned 24 hrs later and passed a clearance test with flying colors.
I could not be happier with the results of the Goldmorr system and the sprayer. Thank you for introducing us to this valuable revenue source. Have a great week.
Brad S - Utah
Thanks Brad. We couldn't be happier either. Another Goldmorr grand slam!!!